Tuesday 19 March 2013

best 10 adsense wordpress plugins

This Plugin requires version 2.8 or higher and allows people to be able to add advertisements to their blog from the backend. There are 8 different options on where you can put the advertisement.
Adspot 1: Below posts title on the front page.
Adspot 2: Below the title when post is open.
Adspot 3: Below post content when post is open.
Adspot 4: Below title when a page is open.
Adspot 5: Below page content when a page is open.
Adspot 6: Below the comment boxes.
Adspot 7: Above the header.
Adspot 8: Below the footer.
This widget requires version 2.8 or higher. This widget goes on your sidebar so that it displays ads and also allows for customizable analytics.
This plugin allows for you to insert AdSense ads in all of your posts and also allows for you to add an AdSense widget to your sidebar. This widget is very simple! A version of 3.3 of is needed.
Just like the title states, this plugin allows for you to apply Google AdSense to your website. With this plugin, you are able to customize the look of an advertisement including the color, number of ads, and more. Version 2.9 or higher is needed.
This plugin allows for ads to be automatically and wisely posted to your blog without breaking up photos.  Some great features about this plugin include the ability to have ads be added in the sidebar, header, and footer. Additionally, the quantity of ads can be reliant on how long the body of your post is. This plugin requires 2.8 or higher.
This plugin offers a fast way to insert AdSense or any Ads codes anywhere into a blog post. There are so many great features that come with this plugin. A couple of these features are the option to display a maximum of 10 ads on a page and a simple configuration interface. Version 2.5 or higher is needed.
This plugin is for you to easily insert Google AdSense to all your posts, sidebars, and pages. This plugin is really great if you aren’t the most tech savvy person, are new to WordPress, and like straightforwardness. A version of 3.0 or higher is needed of WP.
There are many great attributes to this plugin including but not limited to the ability to add ads in different places, ads widgets, there are different languages supported including English, Spanish, and Italian. Additionally, this plugin contributes to reducing the risk of being expelled from Google. Moreover, this plugin has the ability to increase your profits. Version 2.8 or higher is needed.
This is a great plugin in order to help you to create revenue from your blog! There are so many different features that this plugin offers that give you lots of control and a set of options, while at the same time keeping things very simple.  Some of the features of this plugin include putting link units or AdSense Blocks in headers and footers, adding sidebar widgets, and much more. This plugin requires version 2.6 or higher.
You can use this widget to select the ad size that is displayed on your site, customize colors, hide ads for users and admins, and also see which ads are getting the clicks to see their performance. This requires version 2.8 or higher.


  1. I know how to monetize your blog search on facebook - Yoogurn's money making
